How to Write a Marketing Research Report for Focus Groups or Depth Interviews

The marketing research report is your product, if you are moderator or market researcher.

Focus groups and depth interviews produce large amounts of data, which come from the answers to your interview questions. Several focus groups or two dozen depth interviews can produce hundreds of pages of transcriptions.

How do you analyze it? Qualitative analysis is a five-step process. Discover each of the steps to turn data into knowledge.

A research report documents the data, information, and knowledge gained from interviewing.

You or clients use the report for decisions; it is your reference and evidence.

A written report is useful when you want to compare reports over time, or to support other research. Often qualitative research is exploratory and a first step.

Decision makers often judge moderators and analysts by the quality of their reports. Your image and reputation are at stake. Make it look professional.

Hear are the articles:

What Are We Looking For in Qualitative Marketing Research?
In business, qualitative research identifies people’s behaviors and attitudes about products, services, brands,or advertising.

How to Analyze Focus Group Results
Focus group results produce large amounts of data. To develop insights, learn the five steps of analysis.

How to Report Qualitative Marketing Research
Qualitative research reports document the data, information, and knowledge gained from qualitative research. Understand the seven steps to writing a report for focus groups.

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Avoid being mislead. If you use focus groups, or depth interviews, you need to know what works and doesn’t work. Discover how to use focus groups and depth interviews correctly.

Marketing Research Online – Your Website Goldmine
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