Moderate a Focus Group Discussion or Depth Interview

Moderating a focus group discussion or depth interview is easy and fun if you prepare well.

A moderator is a director, conductor, and juggler.

Learn the standard technique to start a group or depth interview.

Discover how to introduce main topics of inquiry. And how to keep a dialogue on track and within your time limits. Also, learn how to handle trouble.

Find out how to close a group or interview, and confirm what is important to respondents. You may hear some new topics of importance too.

Learn the basics of unaided and aided memory recall.

Recognize the 5 major types of bias in qualitative research and minimize it.

Discover how to deal with the subconscious mind in a focus group discussion or depth interview.

Also see my e-book Instant Focus Group Questions

Here are the articles about moderating:

Checklist to Conduct Focus Groups or Depth Interviews
Are you planning to moderate a focus group or depth interview? Here is a checklist and tips to conduct focus groups or depth interviews.

Moderating Focus Groups – Building Rapport
The first step in moderating a focus group is building rapport with respondents. Rapport opens discussion. Here is a handy checklist to build rapport with respondents.

Conducting Focus Groups – Introducing Topics for Discussion
Moderating and conducting focus groups starts with building rapport and introducing topics. Discover how to introduce topics for discussion in qualitative marketing research focus groups.

Qualitative Research Bias - How to Recognize It
Bias in qualitative research affects the validity and reliability of findings, and consequently affects decisions. Know the five major categories of bias in qualitative research.

Unaided Recall versus Aided Recall in Focus Groups
Unaided recall and aided recall are methods to retrieve information in qualitative focus groups. Find out how to do it.

Probing the Subconscious Mind in Focus Groups and Depth Interviews
Emotions, beliefs, and cultural conditioning shape perceptions and influence buying behavior. They linger in the subconscious mind. Discover how to identify them in qualitative focus groups.

Telephone Depth Interview - Save Some Money?
Has the tight economy slashed or trimmed your marketing research budget? Instead of focus groups, consider telephone depth interview research to save money. Here’s how to do it.

Marketing Channels – Who Should Conduct Depth Interviews?
Need insights from marketing channels - distributors, retailers, dealers and agents? Find out why you don’t want the sales team running depth interviews.

Focus Group Training - Review
Focus group training is a essential, if you are thinking about a career as a qualitative research professional. Find out where to get training.

Instant Focus Group Questions - e-book

Instant Focus Group Questions e-book is packed with over a hundred focus group questions. Learn more and download it today.

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