Brand Advertising – Why You Need a Keyword Research Tool
Brand advertising cuts across online and off-line media.
Here’s why you need a keyword research tool,
- 89% of online American adults use search engines, according to Pew Internet & American Life Project 2009.
- 81% research products online (ibid)
- 71% bought something on the Internet (ibid)
- U.S. e-commerce spending will hit $132 billion in 2009, according to eMarketer.
- Watching TV and surfing the web simultaneously is a growing trend, according to Nielsen.
Keyword research tools are marketing research tools.
What are Keywords?
People use keywords to find information during a search engine query.
A web surfer types a keyword into a search engine, like Google™, Yahoo!, Bing, or Ask, which produces search engine page results (SERP).
The SERP delivers a list of web pages with titles, descriptions, and links. The web surfer reads the results, and clicks on a relevant link and lands on a web page…hopefully yours.
How do you find Keywords?
A keyword research tools tells you exactly what words and phrases people use in a search query. And, it tells the volume – relative popularity of keywords.
A free tool, Google™ AdWords Keyword Tool can tell you relative search volume for specific keywords and its related keywords.
Sophisticated keyword research tools including
and Trellian’s
Keyword Discovery
not only display relative volume, but also tell you the competition for keywords.
To a measure competition for a keyword, Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery display a Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) for each keyword. KEI indicates demand and supply for a keyword.
Keyword volume and KEI are your guides to picking effective keywords. You want high volume for traffic, and high KEI (low competition) to rank well for organic search. You can also use keywords research tools for your Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns.
Search Stage – A Window into the Mind
People use search engines to gain information and solve problems.
You can derive what people are thinking by analyzing keywords. It’s qualitative research in my book.
Broad single keywords words suggest people are in early search, while lengthy detailed keyword phrases show someone is looking for something specific.
For example, someone typing the search term “fishing rods” is in early stage search. Early in the buying cycle, people gather information about products, services, or brands.
A keyword phrase of four words or more usually signals a specific search. For example, the search term “Harry’s deep-sea fishing rod prices” tells what the angler is looking for, and where to buy it and mind-set; the searcher may be ready to buy.
Brand Advertising and Keyword Goals
Your goal is to attract visitors to your website or blog and get them to do something…buy, or become a prospect, or at least become aware.
In the online world, keywords play and important role in helping people find what they are looking for.
Online includes not only websites, but also social media marketing: blogs, social networks, images, video, podcasts, RSS feeds, and mobile.
And, you should include keywords in your off-line promotions too. Why?
Because consumers use multiple media formats simultaneously and sequentially .
They use off-line and online media to find, research, and buy a product or service. Consumers often research a product brand online and then go to store. Or they watch TV and surf the web at the same time. Yes,TV drives online search. Or they read a print article and use a search engine.
Off-line advertising and promotion can drive prospects to your website or blog. Brochures, catalogs, print media, sales letters, radio, and TV are some examples of off-line advertising.
Brand Advertising - Big versus Small Brand
If your brand is not well known or not known, use a broad keyword or phrase and combine it with your brand name. That way, you have chance of being found for a popular keyword phrase. An obscure, unknown brand is like the invisible man.
Or you can use a popular keyword and add a benefit word to it.
The goal is to drive visitors to your web site.
When people arrive at your website, then your brand goes to work and makes an impression, building brand awareness.
If brand is well known, then often your brand is the keyword. But you can add a keyword phrase to the brand, depending on your media objectives.
10 Step Keyword Campaign for Brand Advertising
Use keywords in off-line and online media formats. Follow these 10 steps brand advertising,
- Find relevant keywords using a keyword research tool. Select the keywords and phrases that drive traffic. Select high demand and low competition keywords using KEI.
- Include the keywords in your creative brief.
- Optimize keywords in your online copy, images, video, and audio.
- Optimize copy using selected keywords in off-line text, images, audio, and video.
- If you are using pay per click (PPC), optimize PPC ads with keywords.
- Get your web pages or blog pages indexed by the search engines before you launch an off-line campaign that includes keywords.
- Launch your online and off-line campaign.
- Measure online traffic results, in-bound links, and click through conversions for each test.
- Tweak and refine campaigns.
- Measure again.
Brand Advertising & Keyword Summary
Use keyword research tools to optimize keywords for brand advertising.
Match the keywords searchers use. Meet their mind-set. Work with the search engines to draw them into your website. Then let your positioning impress your brand into their brain. Build trust. And convert them into customers.
1. Jones, Sydney and Susannah Fox, Generations Online in 2009, Pew Internet & American Life Project, January 28, 2009, page 5,
2. Grau, Jeffery, Multichannel Retailing: A Competitive Differentiator, eMarketer, July 2009,
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